One Hundred Thousand

One Hundred Thousand deaths in the US. Nearly a third of all the deaths worldwide so far. Some deaths were inevitable, but most of these were preventable if we had a halfway competent government instead of one content to kill as many people as possible. I've been trying to keep…


We've been working with my daughter on anger and worry, and since she's such a reader we found her some books that might help. They seem really good but she's not too excited about reading them. No big surprise since she generally doesn't want to do the things we ask…

Maybe a little progress

We were so discouraged about my daughter and schoolwork last night. It had not been a good day and we were feeling really defeated. This morning we had an idea. Maybe my daughter would be more willing to do her schoolwork if she had her own place to do it.…


They are supposedly beginning to reopen the state this week. This seems awfully premature as the death rate continues to climb. Today's news said that only five countries have death tolls higher than Massachusetts, which is pretty scary. I generally think our governor is doing an ok job with all…

Good news, slow news

My daughter wants to know what that headline is about, she says that the slow news should be that it is taking forever for school to start back up. She's right, but that's not what I meant. I've been having a lot of pain in my knee, and my PT…

A pretty good day

Today has been pretty good. My parents stopped by this afternoon (at a safe distance) to drop off some seedlings for my garden, mostly tomatoes and peppers (including a few chilies that my dad had grown from seed.) This was really great because I had been avoiding going to the…

Such good teachers

We had an appointment this afternoon with our daugher's teacher and the school's behavior specialist. They are both spectacular. We talked about the choices we've been giving her, and how to strategize about getting a better response from her. We talked about how important it is to offer her simple…


My daughter's teachers have been suggesting that we give her the opportunity to choose her own schoolwork as a way of making her more willing to engage with school. We've been trying to give her a half dozen or so choices in a variety of subjects each morning in the…