Yom Kippur

Today was Yom Kippur, a day set aside for atonement and contemplation. I fasted as usual, which was easier this year than sometimes. I also attended services, via Zoom. I really like our rabbi, and he didn't disappoint this year. I sadly missed a good chunk of his sermon, but…

Rosh HaShana in mourning

As we were celebrating the coming new year with a fancy meal and wine, Ruth Bader Ginsberg was dying. It is a terrible tragedy for our country, and a very inauspicious beginning of the Jewish year. This is a strange Rosh HaShana. Services are on Zoom. Our fancy meal last…

First day of school

School began today, after a fashion. We are starting fully remote, which means two kids on iPads all day with two grownups working full time in and around them. It isn't going to be easy, but today was a half-day, and it actually went sort-of ok. My son is starting…

Waiting for Superman

I passed some American flags today when I was out doing errands, and it struck me just how taken aback I was by the sight of them. In less than four years, the flag has gone from what felt like a symbol of freedom and justice to a symbol of…

Last day of camp

Our town has been running a socially-distanced camp-like thing which our kids have been attending. It's been really good for them to have some time outdoors with other kids, and it's been really good for us to have some time with the kids out of the house. I was pretty…

Returning to School, or Something

Summer is coming to a close, and that means the school year is starting before too long. This has brought a great deal of consternation in our town as I'm sure it has across the state and the country. It seems clear to me that returning to school in-person would…

About time

Finally the governer announced stricter restrictions on out-of-state travel. It doesn't take effect until August 1, but it's a step in the right direction. I've been very worried about the college students returning, as well as tourism on the Cape etc. This new quarantine order will hopefully limit the impact…