First seder

Passover is the holiday that resonates the most strongly for me. It is a time to recommit ourselves to goodness and justice, a time to recognize our privilege even in times of hardship, a time to teach our children our traditions, and a time to celebrate the family bond. It…


Today was sunny and warm, we had the windows open and could hear birds chirping. It made a big difference to my mood. Aside from a minor meltdown in the morning the kids were fairly cooperative and agreeable today which made an enormous difference - it was actually possible to…

Some good news for a change

I had my post-op appointment with my knee surgeon today. It was supposed to happen last week but it was canceled due to the coronavirus, but rescheduled for today via telemedicine. It was a little weird trying to get the webcam into a position where he could see my knee,…

Weekends have no meaning

In normal life, on a weekend, we would probably do a bunch of stuff. We might go to the zoo or the science museum. We might take the kids to the playground. We might do crafts or elaborate cooking projects. Occasionally we might clean the house. These days weekends are…

On edge

Really today has been basically fine. But I'm finding myself extremely irritable and on edge. Everything was going fine until the kids started fighting, and then it all went to hell. The kids had built a huge mountain out of the couch cushions (I hate it when they do this)…

Another tough day

Yesterday was really rough. I'm not sure exactly why - it wasn't like anything particularly new or different happened. I mean, the news was bad, but it is always bad these days, but it seemed like everyone in the house was on edge. The rain didn't help. My wife and…

Distance learning

After weeks of people complaining that the schools were not doing enough to do online learning (I thought they were doing ok) the schools have decided it's time to start. That's all well and good but it means that starting in a few days in addition to working full time…


Due to some bad scheduling, I had three medical appointments today, two of which were telehealth. It's pretty strange to do a teleconference with your doctor, but it works and it feels a lot safer than going in to the office. One of my doctors told me that in her…