More Furloughs

There were furloughs at my wife's job today. A LOT of people were affected. She was mercifully spared, but we were very lucky. A lot of her friends and colleagues were affected and will have a really hard time making ends meet.

It is hard to shake the feeling that we are at the beginning of a really bad historical period. It already felt that way with the 2016 election and the incalculable damage done by 45, but now it seems that we've gone beyond the tipping point.

I've mostly been worried about everyone's health and safety so far, but I am starting to really worry about our collective livelihoods. It is growing increasingly clear that the republican government has no interest in helping people survive this and just wants to see their rich friends and cronies profit off everyone else's suffering and death. November feels very far away.

Meantime, as long as we have the means, I'm sending money to Biden and the unity fund. It's pretty much the only thing that makes me feel like I have any control at the moment.